RPB Office Furniture Consulting
About RPB Relocation Services Capabilities Case Studies Contact Us

Whether you are relocating, right-sizing, or downsizing, moving your employees and office environment is a major project. RPB Office has the project management experience and vendor contacts to insure that your move minimizes downtime, maximizes efficiency, and allows you to keep doing what you do best-running your business.

Project Development
Space Planning
Move Planning
Moving Day(s)
Project Development RPB will assess your existing inventory and explore scenarios for reusing, refurbishing, or replacing products sets.

Bids will be solicited from multiple moving companies, and RPB will serve as the single point of contact among the various subcontractors who are required for a move.


Even a well-managed relocation produces an enormous amount of waste. RPB is committed to seeking vendors who will responsibly dispose of electronic equipment; recycle paper and plastic waste; and select liquidated inventory for refurbishing vs. disposal.

RPB advocates re-usable moving crates (such as Rent-A-Crates) over disposable cardboard boxes. Moving crates save labor, time, and money. We will be happy to work with you to "green" your move!

Recycled, Reused, or Refurbished?


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RPB Office Inc | PO Box 248 | Dunstable, MA 01827 | 978-649-9676
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